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Citrus Cleaning Power

Citrus Cleaning Power

What isn’t there to love about citrus fruit? It is vibrant and bright, it looks beautiful when sliced, it adds flavor to delicious foods, and it has a multitude of practical uses. You may not know it yet, but these tangy fruits are also about to become your best friend when it comes to cleaning […]

Hand Sanitizer | Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer

Scent Spotlight – Hand Sanitizer

You don’t have time to get sick! Not when life is picking up at break-neck speed with the onset of Spring. In fact, you’ve got to be at the top of your game for the foreseeable future. That is why you should always have a bottle of Nature’s Fusions hand sanitizer spray on you. Need […]

Scent Spotlight Thyme

Scent Spotlight – Thyme

When you think of thyme, you might be taken back to the bright, slightly floral smell wafting through the kitchen on roast chicken day at Grandma’s house. Thyme is a relatively small herb, but it packs a powerful punch. Not only is thyme a popular and versatile flavoring, but it has protective properties, giving it […]

Best Essential Oils for Spring Cleaning

Best Essential Oils for Spring Cleaning

Winter is like a houseguest. At first, you welcome her excitedly and delight in her many joys. The cold of the season makes the holidays feel cozier, and you just want to stay indoors, sipping on hot cocoa and cuddling up with a good book. But then the holidays are over, you have consumed far […]

Nature's Fusions

Supplement Spotlight – NAC

If you have never heard of NAC or N-Acetylcysteine, you aren’t alone. Many people have never heard of it, and yet, it is a wonderful little compound that can do amazing things for your body. It is well past time for NAC to have its time in the spotlight. Natural and effective, there is so […]

sea moss

Supplement Spotlight – Sea Moss

Kim Kardashian made a splash when she divulged that one of her secret health ingredients was sea moss. With the advent of the new year, celebrities aren’t the only ones making a resolution or two. Summer is just a few months away, so now is the time to start working on your health and wellbeing routines. […]

Cranberry Splash

Supplement Spotlight – Cranberry Gummies

Cranberries! Despite their tartness, these shiny, ruby-red fruits are an icon around the holidays. Staples at most families Thanksgiving feasts, cranberries are also used to make a lip-smackingly tart juice, as well as a favorite topping on salads and oatmeal when dried. While cranberries can be delicious to eat, they are also known for their […]

Women on Rocky Beach with Sunset Small

Tips for Feeling Fit!

It’s 2022 (finally!) and everyone is ready to welcome the new year with ambitious resolutions. And you wouldn’t be alone if one of your top goals for year ’22 is to feel happier and healthier. Fortunately, you won’t have to lose those extra holiday pounds or start an exercise regimen alone. Now that you have […]

Spice Up Your Life!

Spice Up Your Life!

Another Christmas has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean we’re ready to give up on the delicious spiciness that has become synonymous with the most recent festive season. Life’s too short to do anything but live it to the fullest, and that means spicing things up with some of our favorite essential oils. With […]

Essential Oils for Feeling Fit

Never Too Late for New Years

As author and playwright Hillary DePiano once said, “You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.” As the old year begins to wrap up its final days, we can thank it for the joys and opportunities that it presented and move on with a bright hope in our yearnings for even more […]